Everyone knows that they need to take an adequate night’s sleep in order to maintain their mental and physical health. However, everyone should also know that oversleeping is not good for their health, as it affects it in a negative way. Just like the case with everything else is, when it comes to sleeping moderation is also the key.

Here’s How Much Sleep You Need According To Your Age

How long should you sleep?

There is this common fact that everyone knows and it says that adults are recommended to sleep at least eight hours every night. Kids under the age of eighteen are recommended to sleep more than eight hours a night, and the elderly need to sleep less than eight hours a night.

The real question is, how can you know how much sleep do you personally need?

There is a scheme for sleeping made by the National Sleep Foundation based on numerous studies in physiology, neurology, pediatrics, gerontology, and anatomy. This scheme shows the number of hours everyone needs to spend sleeping according to their age.

Everyone has overslept at least once in life or spent a night turning in bed. If this happens from time to time only, it cannot lead to serious problems.

However, if this oversleeping or night turning in bed happens more often and becomes a habit, it can cause a list of health issues. Here is a list of six reasons why it is important for you to be cautious when it comes to your sleeping habits:

1. Back pain

Nowadays, there are numerous people who suffer from back pain, which negatively impacts the quality of life. This condition can be very painful and unpleasant and can even make you unable to get out of bed or move. Excess sleep is sometimes the cause of this condition.

Excessive sleeping weakens the back muscles and it makes your back susceptible to pain. If you want to strengthen your back muscles and solve this issue, you would need to start some low-intensity workout.

2. Obesity

Excessive sleep can also contribute to metabolism issues and your body may start storing the energy in the form of fat. A research has been carried out with participants divided in two groups. Both groups included people with similar dietary regimes and exercising routines, but with different sleeping habits.

Namely, the people from the first group slept ten hours a night, while the people from the second group slept eight hours. The results have indicated that the first group of people is prone to obesity more than the second group.

3. Depression

Depression is a condition that affects the sleeping pattern. In most of the cases, it is manifested with insomnia or oversleeping. It has been scientifically confirmed that people who suffer from depression oversleep. Moreover, the excessive sleeping negatively impacts the mental health in general, and it may postpone and extend the recovery.

4. Headaches

Almost all people say that every time they oversleep, they experience headaches. This is usually the result of a damage of the neurotransmitters caused by the excessive sleeping. Another consequence is the poor quality of the night’s sleep.

5. Diabetes

The sleeping pattern affects the ability of the body to process glucose. This ability can be impaired by oversleeping or lack of sleep. When the glucose in your body is not processed, you expose yourself to an increased risk of insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. This was confirmed by a study which included 276 people, whose everyday habits were analyzed.

According to the study results, people who slept more or less than the recommended amount of time have an increased risk of developing diabetes or impaired tolerance to glucose, compared to the people who have adequate sleeping patterns.

6. Heart disease

If you want to keep your heart functioning properly, you need to make sure that it rests and exercises. However, if you overdo with either one of them, you might suffer some serious consequences. In this way, you increase the risk of coronary heart disease, compared to the people who sleep eight hours a night.

How can you stop oversleeping?

1. Start by creating a sleep scheme which suits you and your lifestyle the best and then make sure you stick to it. Do not use any electronic devices at least one hour before you go to sleep, and it is recommended that you meditate or practice yoga.

2. If you feel sleepy at getting up from bed, take a cold shower. It is very efficient for waking up.

3. Exercise regularly. You are advised to do some low-intensity workouts right after you get out from bed, as they will help you increase your energy, clear your mind, and they will make you ready for the day.

4. Drink a lot of water. If you want to maintain your body hydrated and fresh throughout the entire day, drink a glass of lukewarm water first thing in the morning. Also, you need to drink great amounts of water throughout the whole day.

5. Do not lose motivation. Find an activity that fulfills you and that you enjoy doing, so it will motivate you to get out of the bed in the morning.

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Source: www.healthandhealthyliving.com

http://www.non-stophealthy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Here’s-How-Much-Sleep-You-Need-According-To-Your-Age-e1468016823909.jpghttp://www.non-stophealthy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Here’s-How-Much-Sleep-You-Need-According-To-Your-Age-150x150.jpgNon-Stop HealthyHealthNatural RemediesRecipesage,sleep
Everyone knows that they need to take an adequate night’s sleep in order to maintain their mental and physical health. However, everyone should also know that oversleeping is not good for their health, as it affects it in a negative way. Just like the case with everything else is,...