Remove the Tartar Naturally Using These 4 Recipes
Tartar is the hard, calcified layer that stays on the teeth. It is not good for it to stay there, because in time, it will do harm to your teeth. That is why you should visit your dentist at least twice a year and remove the tartar from your teeth. But, if you want to prevent its appearance, take a look at the next recipes and do something for your good at home.
Recipe no.1
Ingredients needed:
- 30 g of walnut shells
- a little water
How to prepare it:
Put the shells and the water in a pot and then boil it for about 15 minutes. Put this liquor on your toothbrush and brush your teeth for 5 minutes three times a day.
Recipe no.2
Ingredients needed:
- 4 teaspoons of sunflower seed
- 4 teaspoons of linden flowers
- 1 l of water
How to prepare it:
Put all of these ingredients in a pan at a lower temperature and boil for a half an hour. Brush your teeth with this liquor after every meal.
Recipe no.3
Put some apple vinegar in your mouth, brush your teeth and then spit and rinse your mouth with water. Use this method only once a week.
Recipe no.4
Put some sodium bicarbonate on your toothbrush and brush your teeth with it. You can also add some salt. Not only it helps in whitening your teeth, it also helps in removing the tartar.
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