One of the most powerful concoctions to fight against viruses and colds is the combination of garlic and ginger. Using strong spices can help strengthen metabolism and provide a wall of protection against seasonal colds.  While other natural plant foods also have healing properties, ginger and garlic have been proven to be the most effective.

The Most Powerful Combination Against Viruses And Colds Garlic And Ginger.dpuf

Garlic has properties of being an anti-cancer, anti-fungal and antibacterial remedy. It also helps to lower bad cholesterol and strengthen the immune system. There are also a lot of B vitamins as well as minerals in garlic.  This helps to protect overall health.  Antibiotic properties are found in garlic’s main ingredient, allicin.  Garlic is used a lot in the kitchen and is often found as a seasoning in vegetables, salads, soups, and meats.  The best way to use garlic is when it is fresh.  To mild the taste and smell of garlic, just pour a little bit of olive oil over it.

It is imperative to clean the garlic correctly before consuming it.  Once garlic is peeled and chopped, it loses its beneficial health properties due to the exposure to oxygen.  To get rid of the unpleasant smell of garlic breath, chew on leaves of parsley or a slice of apple.

Ginger is also one of the body’s best natural protectors and can be found in the supermarket all year long.  It contains numerous nutrients such as manganese, selenium, potassium, beta-carotene, and vitamin C.  This spice helps to kick up a person’s immunity and also soothes the stomach.  It has qualities of a diuretic and an antiseptic and also helps to continue digestion to carry on normally.

Just like garlic, ginger is also very common to be found in the kitchen and is often used to spice pumpkin, rice, or legumes to name a few dishes.  Regardless of what you put it in, ginger can drastically change the flavor of all different types of salads and meats, especially ones that contain tomatoes and peppers.  Note that if you think ginger is too strong to smell, you can mix it with carrots or beets.

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Source: Time for Natural Health Care HealthyFruits & VegetablesHealthHealthy FoodNatural RemediesRecipes
One of the most powerful concoctions to fight against viruses and colds is the combination of garlic and ginger. Using strong spices can help strengthen metabolism and provide a wall of protection against seasonal colds.  While other natural plant foods also have healing properties, ginger and garlic have been...