No matter how you look on vaccines, you should know that they contain ingredients toxic to the human body. these toxic vaccine ingredients include fructose, dextrose, sucrose, aluminum potassium sulfate, peptone, potassium phosphate, formaldehyde, bovine extract, FD&C yellow #6, fetal bovine serum, aluminum lake dye, sodium bicarbonate, aluminum hydroxide, monosodium glutamate, lactose thimerosal, ammonium sulfate, benzethonium chloride, aluminum hydroxphosphate sulfate, calf serum, glutaraldehyde, bovine extract, and ethanol.

A doctor does injection child vaccination baby

A doctor does injection child vaccination baby

Unluckily, the majority of these substances buildup in our bodies and will not leave them without assistance.

A Gentle Vaccine Detox For Children and Adults

We present you several gentle detox ideas you can use to help your body detoxify from the heavy metals and other vaccine toxins and thus restore your health.

Detox Bath

You can use a detox bath in order to boost your immune system and get rid of all the toxins that have accumulated in your body.

When you, or your child, take a bath, add six drops of Zendocrine and a couple of pinches of Epsom salt to your bath water.

The Zendocrine is a potent blend that contains cilantro, rosemary, and juniper berry, substances known for their detoxifying effects and ability to support healthy liver function. It also contains Tangerine and Geranium, which possess strong purifying properties that help us fight the unhealthy substances.


Once you consume a crushed clove of garlic, a set of metabolic events occurs which leads to release of allicin in the small intestine. The allicin is the active ingredient of garlic that removes pathogens from the body, leaving the good bacteria intact. Allicin is the substance that gives garlic its healing effects. This ingredient binds heavy metals and thus help the body detoxify. If you want to get the best effects of garlic, consume at least three garlic cloves a day.


Silicic acid represents an antidote for aluminum poisoning. Silica is a detox agent that can help you get rid of heavy metals. Once you take in silica, it transfers the aluminum and the other heavy metals present in the body into the urine and then, it eliminates them via it.

Silica can be found in its natural form in horsetail, which is the best and the cheapest natural source of this ingredient. Moreover, other foods contain this substance as well, including barley, rye, wheat, and oats, as well as alfalfa sprout nuts and other seeds that will contribute to the increase of the silica levels in your body and help you experience silica health benefits.


A few strong scientific studies have proven that chlorella can help people support the healthy detoxification process of removing the heavy metals from the body as it naturally binds to heavy metals which are carried out of the body through natural elimination processes. Chlorella is found on the market in the form of capsules which can be taken in like that, or added to smoothies.


The presence of heavy metals and other toxins in the body tends to change the balance of bacteria in the gut, so supplementing with probiotic-rich foods like organic yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, and fermented vegetables is very important. The supplementing with this type of foods can help you detoxify and protect your body against the harmful effects of vaccines.

Omega 3 Cod Liver Oil

Besides for numerous other things, omega 3 fatty acids are also very beneficial for blocking excitoxins and repairing cellular damage. Give your child one teaspoon of the Nordic Natural Arctic Cod Liver Oil every day. This remedy should be refrigerated and used quickly so that you keep its optimal capacity to help the body.


This plant has the ability to bind to heavy metals, pulling them out of the blood and the body tissues. It also has the ability to get rid of the heavy metals from the body, being one of the most effective and gentle detoxifiers of heavy metals and other toxic contaminants. Cilantro is great for extracting mercury from the bodily organs. This plant is thought to cross the blood-brain barrier and eliminate heavy metals from the brain.

You can add cilantro to juices, smoothies, or consume it raw. Take at least one teaspoon a day for two or three weeks or add six to seven drops of cilantro essential oil to your bath.

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Source: HealthyHealthRecipesadults,children,detox,vaccine
No matter how you look on vaccines, you should know that they contain ingredients toxic to the human body. these toxic vaccine ingredients include fructose, dextrose, sucrose, aluminum potassium sulfate, peptone, potassium phosphate, formaldehyde, bovine extract, FD&C yellow #6, fetal bovine serum, aluminum lake dye, sodium bicarbonate, aluminum hydroxide,...