The thyroid is a gland in a shape of a butterfly and its normal weight is less than an ounce. It is positioned I the front base of the neck. The hormones the thyroid secretes take part in the growth, the development, improving the metabolism and maintaining the body temperature. Whether it functions adequately or not depends on two minerals: iodine and manganese. The more important of the two is iodine, which is responsible for the proper thyroid function and its health. We present you a simple test that will help you discover if your body has enough iodine to normalize the secretions of the thyroid.

Take iodine tincture and place a stamp in the size of postage on the inside of your wrist. If the brown stain vanishes in 24 hours or even less, it is an indication that your body lacks iodine to normalize thyroid secretion. Even pharmaceutical thyroid medication won’t be utilized by your body because of the lack of iodine.

Make Sure Your Thyroid Is Getting Enough Iodine With This Simple 24 Hour Home Test


  1. The best time to do this test is the morning, after you have taken the shower, but it is not obligatory.
  2. You should use a iodine tincture to paint a postage square size stamp on the inside of your wrist
  3. You can find the tincture in any pharmacy or drugstore. The original color of the solution should be orange, don’t buy a clear solution.
  4. Remember at what time you painted your wrist, or even better, write it down.
  5. Observe the coloration the patch goes through over the next 24 hours


Generally, if you have a greater need for iodine, then your body will draw the iodine faster.

  1. If the patch starts to lighten after 24 hours, the level of iodine in your body is normal
  2. If the patch disappears, almost or completely, over 18-24 hours, you have a mild lack of iodine
  3. If the patch disappears, almost or completely, over 12-18 hours, you have a moderate lack of iodine
  4. If the patch disappears, almost or completely, over 6-12 hours, you have a severe lack of iodine
  5. If the patch disappears, almost or completely, in just 6 hours or less, you have a very severe lack of iodine

Repeat Testing

It is recommended that you repeat this test every 1-2 weeks and observe your need for iodine. When you reach the normal level of iodine, adjust the dose of iodine you take.

You may also take food supplements. We can recommend the Standard Process or Medi Herb, but you should first consult your doctor. Here are the amounts of iodine in the Standard Process and Medi Herb supplements:

Thyroid Complex (MH) – 600mcg

Trace Minerals B12 – 145mcg

Prolamine Iodine – 3mg

Iodomere – 200mcg

Min Chex – 300mcg

Cataplex F (tablets) – 95 mcg

Min Tran – 50 mcg

Originally Bound Minerals – 250 mcg

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Source: HealthyHealthHerbs&OilsNatural RemediesRecipes
The thyroid is a gland in a shape of a butterfly and its normal weight is less than an ounce. It is positioned I the front base of the neck. The hormones the thyroid secretes take part in the growth, the development, improving the metabolism and maintaining the body...