The Perfect Exercise For Poor Body Posture
Poor body posture is not a good sight as time passes, and it can really start to bring you down. It looks like your parents and teachers were right when they were telling you to have good posture.
The poor posture is getting worse and worse in the recent years.
Extra weight, extra texting, stress and sitting for too long are all the factors that contribute to this condition. The back muscles are weaker than the other muscles in the body. What can you do to fix this problem?
Lie down and face towards the floor. Then lift the front part of your body with your head up. Do it slowly and carefully. Do not push yourself to the limits, lift as much as you can. Hold your arms along your body and the hands on your hips. This exercise stimulates the back and leg muscles. Implement this exercise for 10 minutes.
Iterate the exercise every day and add more repetitions gradually. Your back muscles will strengthen in time, making your back straight. You will no longer have problems with poor body posture.
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