This Thyroid Cancer Self-Test Can Quickly Be Done At Home and Save Your Life
The thyroid is a gland without ducts and it is positioned in the neck. The thyroid is responsible for secretion of hormones that control the metabolism. It is also necessary for regulating some other body functions such as heart rate, breathing, your body weight, the menstrual cycles, the temperature of the body, central and peripheral nervous system, the strength of your muscles, levels of cholesterol and so forth.(Endocrine Web)
The thyroid utilizes the iodine that comes from your blood to make numerous hormones, but the two hormones most important of all are the triiodothyronine and thyroxine. If secreted in excess amounts, these hormones can cause irritability, tenseness, anxiety, shaking, sweating, hair loss and either missed or very light menstrual periods. If these hormones are secreted too little, this may cause fatigue, insomnia, dry hair and skin, depression, sensitivity to cold, pain in the joints or in the muscles, heavy menstrual periods, and difficulty concentrating.
Thyroid cancer is one of the types of cancer that increase most quickly in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, the increased number of cases of thyroid cancer is due to the extra chemicals that the processed foods contain. They reach the thyroid thanks to the iodine, which is being sucked up by the thyroid with all of the chemicals and toxins that cause cancer.
We all know that there is a self-check for breast cancer, but have you known that there is also one for thyroid cancer? First, take a look at the video and then learn the way to check for thyroid cancer in your own home.
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