It is well known that garlic has marvelous antibiotic features and is used in various purposes. You can either eat it raw, or wrapped in a bit of bread which you will later swallow in order to avoid the bad smell.

You can use garlic in order to reduce painful inflammation of the ear. Just put a clove of garlic in the ear, but make sure it’s on the surface and go to sleep. In the morning, the pain should be gone entirely.

She Put Garlic In Her Ear Here Is What Happened The Next Morning

Garlic softens the secretions that are accumulated in the ear and thus cleanses the ear, reducing inflammation at the same time.

Nevertheless, before you undertake this, first consult your ENT specialist or another doctor. Also, don’t try this method on children.

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Source: HealthyFruits & VegetablesHealthNatural RemediesRecipes
It is well known that garlic has marvelous antibiotic features and is used in various purposes. You can either eat it raw, or wrapped in a bit of bread which you will later swallow in order to avoid the bad smell. You can use garlic in order to reduce painful...